Monday 4 April 2011

Film Promotion Unit

Your home work is to find out what is the production company that made the films Moon and Avater.

Thursday 6 January 2011

Persuasive techniques in advertising

Needs, fears and aspirations

• Advertisers play on these feeling to get you to buy their product.
• Example - Insurance and loan companies play on security and safety.
• Fashion adverts use desire to sell
• While a cleaning product draws on fears of dirt and bacteria

Pick five adverts and describe how they focus on our needs, fears and aspirations, using the examples above to help you.

Reward and punishment

· Probably the most important persuasive tool in advertising.
• Physical Rewards are offered like - BOGOF, or a cream that makes you look younger.
• Rewards can be psychological though - example Dog food that ‘gives him a healthy coat and gums’. If you don’t buy the food you will be punishing your dog
Pick four adverts and describe how they use reward and punishment to get us to buy goods

Friday 10 December 2010

Advertising Report-vocabulary

To conclude-advertsing stereotypes are so powerful beause people want those lifestyles, they want to be like the people in the adverts. In this way they are:

ASPIRATIONAL (people aspire to be like the people in the advert).

Adverts also show people in such a way that they are:

ROLE MODELS (people look to the images in the adverts for clues as to how to be and how to act-this is especially powerful when the adverts feature known celebrities).

Thursday 25 November 2010

What is the purpose of advertising?

The purpose of advertising is to promote products and make us want to buy them.

Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention.

Here are some examples to help you:

I like the Apple adverts-they look so slick and clean-they really showcase the products and attract me to them.

I like the advert for Virgin airways. It is so well put together, almost like a Bond movie introduction.

Did you purchase the products?

How products are gendered.

How might the following objects be 'gendered' through advertising, given that both sexes will use the product?

a sports car?
a diving watch?
bottled beer?
toilet paper?
a hi-fi system?
a videogame console
an airline?

Male Stereotypes

How does each advert you have chosen show men or the idea of men and thus communicate the concept of 'masculinity' . Focus on each of the concepts below and chose an advert for each.

Sexual attractiveness
Independence (of thought and action)