Friday 10 December 2010

Advertising Report-vocabulary

To conclude-advertsing stereotypes are so powerful beause people want those lifestyles, they want to be like the people in the adverts. In this way they are:

ASPIRATIONAL (people aspire to be like the people in the advert).

Adverts also show people in such a way that they are:

ROLE MODELS (people look to the images in the adverts for clues as to how to be and how to act-this is especially powerful when the adverts feature known celebrities).

Thursday 25 November 2010

What is the purpose of advertising?

The purpose of advertising is to promote products and make us want to buy them.

Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention.

Here are some examples to help you:

I like the Apple adverts-they look so slick and clean-they really showcase the products and attract me to them.

I like the advert for Virgin airways. It is so well put together, almost like a Bond movie introduction.

Did you purchase the products?

How products are gendered.

How might the following objects be 'gendered' through advertising, given that both sexes will use the product?

a sports car?
a diving watch?
bottled beer?
toilet paper?
a hi-fi system?
a videogame console
an airline?

Male Stereotypes

How does each advert you have chosen show men or the idea of men and thus communicate the concept of 'masculinity' . Focus on each of the concepts below and chose an advert for each.

Sexual attractiveness
Independence (of thought and action)

Female Stereotypes

Representations of Femininity
Feminism has been a recognised social philosophy for more than forty years, and the changes that have occurred in women's roles in western society during that time have been nothing short of phenomenal. Yet media representations of women remain worryingly constant. Does this reflect that the status of women has not really changed or that the male-dominated media does not want to accept it has changed?
Representations of women across all media tend to highlight the following:
· beauty (within narrow conventions)
· size/physique (again, within narrow conventions)
· sexuality (as expressed by the above)
· emotional (as opposed to intellectual) dealings
· relationships (as opposed to independence/freedom)

Find an advert the encapsulates each one of the above concepts.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Represntations of Femininity

Feminism has been a recognised social philosophy for more than forty years, and the changes that have occurred in women's roles in western society during that time have been nothing short of phenomenal. Yet media representations of women remain worryingly constant. Does this reflect that the status of women has not really changed or that the male-dominated media does not want to accept it has changed?
Representations of women across all media tend to highlight the following:beauty (within narrow conventions) size/physique (again, within narrow conventions) sexuality (as expressed by the above) emotional (as opposed to intellectual) dealings relationships (as opposed to independence/freedom)
Some typical female representations: The Beauty Bunny, The Alpha Female, The Fashionista, The Perfect Mum, The Granny.

Friday 12 November 2010

A selection of 'gendered adverts'

Representations of Men in Print Adverts

Media 'Know all'

Gendering 'objects'

How might the following objects be 'gendered' through advertising, given that both sexes will use the product?
a sports car?
a diving watch?
bottled beer?
toilet paper?
a hi-fi system?
a videogame console
an airline?

Reprentations of Masculinity in Advertising

Representations of Masculinity
'Masculinity' is a concept that is made up of more rigid stereotypes than femininity. Representations of men across all media tend to focus on the following:
Strength - physical and intellectual
Sexual attractiveness (which may be based on the above)
Independence (of thought, action)

Todays work-textual analysis 12th November:

How does each advert show men or the idea of men (Tiger Woods, Surf Boarder, BMW Advert etc) and thus communicate the concept of 'masculinity' . Focus on each of the concepts below:

  • Strength
  • Power
  • Sexual attractiveness
  • Physique
  • Independence (of thought and action)

Friday 5 November 2010

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

This diagram applies a slightly different interpretation of the hierarchy to the one I have given you but it basically means the same thing. The point is to consider how adverts that you see play on each of these needs to make you, the consumer, make purchases.


Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to advert given. (Mercedes Benz)

What is the purpose of advertising?

The purpose of advertising is to promote products and make us want to buy them.

Name 3 recent advertising campaigns that have grabbed your attention. What in particular interested you?

I like the Apple adverts-they look so slick and clean-they really showcase the products and attract me to them.

I like the advert for Virgin airways. It is so well put together, almost like a Bond movie introduction, it makes me think that air travel is glamourous and exciting.

I like some adverts I have recently seen for beer-but I can't remember the name of the beer-so I am not sure if the advert really worked! The adverts were atmospheric and enticing.

Did you purchase the product?